MAIMS Organizes MARGDARSHAN: The Industry Talk Series
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Department of Law, has taken a commendable initiative by organizing "MARGDARSHAN: The Industry Talk Series."

Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Department of Law, has taken a commendable initiative by organizing "MARGDARSHAN: The Industry Talk Series."
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Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Department of Law, Rohini, has taken a commendable initiative by organizing "MARGDARSHAN: The Industry Talk Series" for the students of BALLB & BBA LLB under the guidance of Dr Nand Kishore Garg (Chairman), Prof. Dr S.K. Garg (Director General), Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Kumar Gupta (Director), Prof. (Dr.) Rajni Malhotra Dhingra, (Principal, Dept. of Law), Dr Praveen Kumar Gupta (HoD, Law) and Ms Aarushi Agarwal (Faculty Convener). The event consists of six exhilarating sessions by legal luminaries, providing MARGDARSHAN to the students exploring various career opportunities in Arbitration, Litigation, Legal Journalism, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Law and Judiciary.
The first session was held on April 10, 2021, which was addressed by Mr Tariq Khan, a renowned Arbitration Lawyer and Principal Associate, Advani & Co., who has recently been enlisted in Forbes Legal Powerlist 2020-'21 as a top individual lawyer. The focal point of the session was Career Prospects in Arbitration. Mr Tariq Khan proficiently highlighted the importance of a well-tailored CV, research paper publications, attending arbitration conferences, moot court competitions and internship experience. He also shed some light on the impact of COVID-19 on the arbitration sector and future job opportunities in India and abroad. Another centre of attraction of this session was International Commercial Arbitration which Mr Khan magnificently elucidated. Besides sharing knowledge on the subject, Mr Khan motivated the students to work hard towards their goals and rise above the social criticism to succeed in life. The session was marked by over 100 participants, which reflected the students' enthusiasm to learn and get more comprehensive insights into arbitration. Neha Gururani and Apurva Bhutani efficiently hosted the event with the unconditional assistance of the Internship & Placement Student Team, Dept. of Law, MAIMS.
The forthcoming sessions will be graced by distinguished speakers, including Ms Aishwarya Bhati (Additional Solicitor General & Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India) and Ms Apoorva Mandhani (Principal Correspondent, ThePrint). This talk series will facilitate the process of making appropriate career choices for the students.